Hey everyone...I've succumb to the world of blogging. Mostly because i see the benefits my bestie Ginger gets from her venting...
I didn't intend for my first blog to be such a serious one but while flipping through channels today in my laziness, i saw a clip that caught my eye on one of those forever-cheezy-mundane-paparazzi-induced celebrity gossip shows. Jamie Foxx took the time out of his busy Hollywood life to comment on the latest trouble in the world of sports. Yes, that's right, he's talking about the now infamous dog-fighting conspiracy charges that Michael Vick is now facing. Now, I get the gist of what dogfighting is...but i looked it up just in case anyone else doesn't, and also to really show how real and sick it is. There is a lot of premeditation behind dogfighting, don't believe me? Click here. For those of you that might have been living somewhere way out in Timbuktu and haven't heard of the animal cruelty case surrounding Michael Vick This article at CNN.com should fill you in. As for Mr. Foxx and his ill-placed thoughtless, ignorant and heartless remarks, they shot so much anger through my veins i envisioned some weird out of body experience of me throwing a nearby glass through the TV and it shattering in his face. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGH!
“It’s a cultural thing, I think,” Jamie said. “Most brothers didn’t know that, you know. I used to see dogs fighting in the neighborhood all the time. I didn’t know that was Fed time. So, mike probably just didn’t read his handbook on what not to do as a black star...I know that cruelty to animals is bad, but sometimes people shoot people and kill people and don’t get time,” Jamie continued. “I think in this situation, he really didn’t know the extent of it, so I always give him the benefit of the doubt.”
I didn't intend for my first blog to be such a serious one but while flipping through channels today in my laziness, i saw a clip that caught my eye on one of those forever-cheezy-mundane-paparazzi-induced celebrity gossip shows. Jamie Foxx took the time out of his busy Hollywood life to comment on the latest trouble in the world of sports. Yes, that's right, he's talking about the now infamous dog-fighting conspiracy charges that Michael Vick is now facing. Now, I get the gist of what dogfighting is...but i looked it up just in case anyone else doesn't, and also to really show how real and sick it is. There is a lot of premeditation behind dogfighting, don't believe me? Click here. For those of you that might have been living somewhere way out in Timbuktu and haven't heard of the animal cruelty case surrounding Michael Vick This article at CNN.com should fill you in. As for Mr. Foxx and his ill-placed thoughtless, ignorant and heartless remarks, they shot so much anger through my veins i envisioned some weird out of body experience of me throwing a nearby glass through the TV and it shattering in his face. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGH!
“It’s a cultural thing, I think,” Jamie said. “Most brothers didn’t know that, you know. I used to see dogs fighting in the neighborhood all the time. I didn’t know that was Fed time. So, mike probably just didn’t read his handbook on what not to do as a black star...I know that cruelty to animals is bad, but sometimes people shoot people and kill people and don’t get time,” Jamie continued. “I think in this situation, he really didn’t know the extent of it, so I always give him the benefit of the doubt.”
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!??!?!?! First of all, dogs just 'fighting' in the neighborhood is one thing. The beef is between them, and most likely someone should step in and break it up. Dogfighting, however is a crime. How any normal, caring human being could see otherwise, is beyond me. To address Jamie Foxx's words on how he didn't know it was fed time': PLEASE! Just because other people do it and somehow get away with it doesn't make it right. Vick got caught, he messed up, he DESERVES to be punished. Not only did he have this dogfighting ring on his property, he is also admits to participating in killing some of the dogs that didn't perform well. The humane way to have dealt with that would have been to find them homes, or i guess in a last resort have them put down by euthanasia. Did he do that? Hell no or I wouldn't be this mad. CNN.com says:
"Peace, Phillips and Vick agreed to the killing of approximately 6-8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions at 1915 Moonlight Road and all of those dogs were killed by various methods, including hanging and drowning. "
HANGING AND DROWNING!!!! Does this sound like someone who shouldn't be prosecuted?!?! HELL NO! He deserves everything and more. I love any and all animals, but i want a puppy more than anything else in the world! It pains me to read about this...it physically makes me sick. I just can't understand how anyone could be so cruel. Back to Mr. Foxx's precious words... too address his 'cultural' blame....i say BULLSHIT. Culture, sub-culture has nothing to do with cruelty. We cannot be allowed to brush off every stupid thing in life as, "oh that's just a black thing" or "only white people can do this". With every other thing wrong and apathetic in his statement, why oh why does he have to bring race into the issue?MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS JAMIE!
Unfortunately, Vick has already started working with the prosecutors and has struck a deal so they will not be seeking full punishment of $250,000 in fines and up to 5 years in prison. Most likely, as with most celebrities as of late (Lindsey, Paris and Nicole) he will get off, practically Scot-free.