Okay so i started this blog what...a week and a half ago or so and i meant to be super diligent. So
LIFE happened...like it usually does, especially in my life. I have to say....TGIF...this week has been just about the worst week ever!
I had a great labor day weekend. I went up to a friend's lakehouse. I love spending time in the water and the sun, and last weekend provided plenty of sun to go with the great lake that we play in. I got a nice little end of summer glow on my skin and even had a funny incident happen in the middle of the lake late one night after our bonfire when i fell in the lake fully clothed! HILARIOUS! Especially to those who were there! I'm close with my friend's family and carry many traditions with them. Its grape harvesting season here and her mother is determined to teach me all the tricks of the trade in being the ultimate Martha-Stewart-do-it-yourself-type. We pick all kinds of fruit all summer long but grape season is by far my favorite. We make preserves (the kind with no sugar, just the fruit) and homemade grape juice. So we started on that...its a long process since there are several types of grapes we use.... usually takes three or four weekends to pick all the grapes and juice and preserve them.
so that was my fun weekend.....
Tuesday morning my grammy woke me up to tell me she was taking my grampy to the hospital. I somehow made it downstairs fully dressed to leave before i my eyes opened and was made aware of what time it really was. YUCK....it was 5:45am. We left and got to the hospital around6:15am. What followed was about 7 hrs in the ER while we waited for
the doctor to say
anything. Then I spent another i think 6 or 7 hrs in the room with my grampy after he was admitted. Needless to say, by the time we got home it was super late and Grammy and I were super exhausted. ugh.
So basically all week I've had the fun duty of making sure my grammy is doing ok, eating and taking care of herself while my poor grampy is stuck in the hospital. I've also taken on a new role as chauffeur for my grammy as in the emotional state of distress she's in, we all agree she shouldn't be driving.
I'm exhausted and looking very much forward to this weekends events: SLEEP!, church, and Jessica's Bachelorette Party! WOO HOO! And then of course, hopefully more sleep!
As for my grandfather...his gall bladder is infected, he is on heavy antibiotics and they are trying to reduce the inflammation. They want to operate sometime in the next month. I don't know how i feel about that since he's already had so many operations. The poor man can't take much more. :(
So please keep Grampy in your prayers.