Okay so
I'm obsessed. I work all the time so I
don't watch TV on their normal
airtimes. I instead get online, go to the network site, and watch my show this way. I love it. I hate having to schedule my time around my favorite
TV shows. so not worth it. If I could, I would totally
DVR or
TIVO everything, but living with Grammy makes this not an option (she hardly has any channels and nothing to record them with anyways). So this last weekend
Lar was gone training with the Reserves. His first time since joining. Thankfully this means he will not be deploying to Iraq any time soon. And if he does get orders, he can just quit, since he is what they call "non-
obligore" (
So while he was gone I decided to have some "me time". I
haven't had much of that lately. My mom is constantly wanting any "free-time" that i might have to be spent with Grammy. It has completely drained me emotionally and physically. So I said "phooey" with everything and took a day for me.
Going back to "My obsession".
I LOVE Rob and Big. Like,I want to be their neighbors. I LOVE LOVE LOVE their dog Meaty. I want a puppy so bad!!!! These boys seriously make me laugh so hard. All the time. Its seriously such a funny show. I cannot get enough of it. Ive watched all the current episodes online at MTV.com and Saturday I decided, since it was a "Me-day" to go buy their DVD of season 1&2. I did. But while I was at the store, I was checking out, and the Walmart cashier girl picks it up and looks it over, frowns and says, "damn, thats 'espensives DVD! DAAAAAAAMMMNNN!"
Excuse me? I was totally irritated she told me that. True, it wasnt cheap. But it was like $26, not exactly a pocket-drainer. But who the crap did she think she was? THATS SO RUDE! I should have told her that she overpaid for her cheap ass Kmart looking extensions. Seriously, who judges who on whats too expensive, at least to their face? I was totally irritated. Rob and Big were totally worth the $26 bucks. I loved it. I had a spa day, exfoliated, masked up, and had a great day. Even if some dumbass walmart girl thought it wasnt worth the money.
I still can't get over how funny those two are. If you haven't seen the show, you MUST go to MTV.com and watch one, or all of them.
So that is how I spent my weekend.
It was simple and short, but a much needed reprieve.