Monday, March 10, 2008


Alright. I wanna know what people think of blind dates. A week ago we had a customer come into the Bistro who came barreling into the bar asking for a drink to quiet down his nerves. He then explained he was from chicago and meeting a girl from Grand Rapids that he had gotten her number from while driving at 60mph on the freeway. Apparently she looked hot in her ride or something. Anywho. He had me go check her out when she came in, he wanted to know if she was really cute or not. Anyways, they hit it off...I thought it was kinda a bad start considering one of the first subjects they talked about were previous relationships and their exes. WEIRD. But whatever. They seemed to enjoy it.
They were still talking and enjoying each other's company when I left that night.
Well anyways, tonight...surprise surprise, they came in again, a week later, holding hands. They sat down and enjoyed a meal. By the end of the night though we were all making fun of the fact that he talked and she laughed, THE WHOLE TIME. They left to go to a movie at the end of the night. But i was left thinking about blind dates. Essentially that is what they had. I guess they have worked out in the past, not for me at all. HEck no. Ive ended up with the strange ones with hygiene issues, strange hair color, or guys who are out to prove something. I am so not into dating bigfoot. Usually I never find ANYTHING in common with them and they just feel awkward and strange, not as exciting when you get asked out by someone you've liked for awhile. So what do you think? Do you think blind dates are exciting? would you consider going on one? If some guy screamed at you from a passing car for your number, would you give it to him?
Me, personally, HELL NO.

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