Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Geriatric Anger Management

I'm Grampy's little girl.
Always have been, since i was a teeny bitty little thing.
That was, however, until this morning. I was ready to renounce my title, pack my bags and move out. (oh yah, for those that don't know, i live with my grandparents, and have quite peacefully for the past 3 years).
I woke up this morning around 8. I don't wake up very quickly. My eyes were barely open, and i hadn't even bothered to put my contacts in yet when i stumbled downstairs and into the kitchen. Normally, I enjoy a large glass of water when I first wake up. I feel it really helps to get me going. It also somewhat replaces my most favorite pastime of drinking a lot of caffeine, mainly coffee, that I have since given up now for about a year. (*tear* --i do so miss it!)
Not this morning.
Hell. I didn't even make it two steps into the kitchen before i got barked at.
This did not make me a happy camper, not in the least.
I mean, come on! I don't drink caffeine anymore. My eyes were barely open. And I didn't even get a "Good-Morning."
Nope. Nothing. Nada. Jack-crap. Rien de tout.
What pray tell was i getting yelled at about?
A stupid effin' window my grampy had special ordered through Lowes with the help of my boyfriend (who is close with my grandparents). Oh yes I guess it would help to know that my boyfriend works at Lowes.
Yes, I know, a window, Stupid.
Apparently the window came in and was not the desired dimensions to what my Grampy thought he had ordered. Lar (my boyfriend) had taken it back to talk to the guy in charge of the special order. This guy, Josh, unfourtunatly had taken some time off and the problem could not be dealt with right away. A few days passed, Lar and I forgot all about it and when Josh returned I had Lar's truck and of course, the window. whoops. So yesterday Lar finally talked to Josh about the window, they measured it and found out there was nothing wrong with the specifications. The windows are made larger to account for installation. Makes sense. To me, to everyone else. Everyone apparently, but my grandfather. Lar had told me this information about the window, i passed along a portion of the message to my Grammy last night. Grampy apparently heard about it this morning from Grammy. Great. Yippie.
So I'm standing there in the kitchen, squinting, because i'm blind as a bat without my contacts and feeling very irritated that this is how my morning has started out.
What does this have to do with me you ask? Well, those were my exact thoughts this morning. In fact, the only real correlation is that it's MY boyfriend who got my grandparents the discount at Lowes. And it was MY boyfriend that was taking care of the communication on what went wrong.
After digesting some of the anger-fueled words my Grampy had to say, decided i had had enough. Just before I could say anything though, my Grampy stated how he was going to Lowes this afternoon and was going to raise holy hell down there. This made me mad. It's Lar's place of employment and how could anyone want to go down representing someone, practically family and "raise holy hell."So I yipped back, nothing mean, but definatly making my point on how this was not my problem and not Lar's and left to go take a shower.
The problem however was now the festering going on inside me.
I was mad. I was irritated. No, I was furious. Who does he think he is? My mom raised me with some serious core values that I always try to abide by:
1. It is better to be kind than right
2. People are more important than "things"
3. Respect your elders
I was trying to respect my Grampy as my elder, but it was proving to be more difficult than normal. Also, I didn't understand how my mother's father, could just be SO RUDE!
Lar stopped by between his classes and work. His talk with Grampy went fine. As he put it, "Grampy was just a big Teddy Bear to me."
So what, I get blasted in the morning and thats that???
Apparently. and the poor Lowes crew.
He did go to Lowes, and he did cause a ruckus with Josh. The problem with the window seems to have been nothing more than a miscommunication and miscomprehension of what the window he was ordering was. Things like this happen.
Me, personally. Sure I'd be irritated at possibly waiting another 3 weeks for a new window, but i wouldn't be mad. I wouldn't raise "holy hell", and I certainly hope I'd act more respectful of other peoples' feelings, no matter who's to blame.
I had tutoring to go to. I also helped a friend out at the university who is conducting a study. So I managed to avoid them for the rest of the day. Not without ruining my whole day though with the dark cloud of all the anger billowing down on top of me and my attitude for the day. It was hard to just get past all of this. I guess a big irritation that follows this is why elderly people, seem to think that because they are old, they can treat people like crap. When I was younger, I never understood why people were so mean to old people. Now im beginning to think it's just the younger people giving crap back to the old people who are dishing it out first! I have a friend in a doctors office that is always having bad days because old people come in and think they can throw their weight around because they are old and frail. They feel they deserve special treatment because they are 85. God bless them for having such a long life...but gees, that is no reason to treat other people like they don't matter, or like they don't have feelings too. Just because they are old doesnt mean they can treat people however they want to. Just as a person any age shouldnt.
This was definatly not a way to start out the day!
So, now as I write this, I'm still irritated. I feel better though. Mostly that today is almost over. Its almost 10pm and I will certainly welcome the end of today.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.
I feel like scrooge.


Kendra said...

i'd have been furious too! sounds like grampy needs to settle down a little! i'd go nutz even staying with my grandma for a week let alone living there! you get mad props!

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