Friday, November 16, 2007

Lost shoes anyone???

I went and worked out this morning. I brought my laptop along so that after I was done I could sit in the parking lot of Lamson Hall at Andrews and use their internet, since I dont have access to it at home (which is why I dont blog as much as I'd like to--and yes I realize how truely budget it is...)
Anyways, as I pulled out of the parking lot to go home and grab some grub I saw this:

Now if you're thinking.."Whaaaaaaaaaaat???? Is that a random glove and a pair of shoes?!?!" You would be correct.

What I don't understand is...
Where is the poor barefoot girl running around in 30 degree weather? (yes, its already THAT freezing here! brrrrrrrrrrr!)

But seriously...

A randomly lost glove...i can understand that...I've had that happen to me before. But....a lost complete pair of shoes? I would never abandon or forsake my shoes in a freezing cold parking lot outside a girls dorm.
Knowing Andrews University, whoever those shoes belong to will be lucky to get them back, if she hasnt realized they are MIA at this point.

1 comment:

Cupcake Blonde said...

Those shoes are really cute. I totally would have picked them up! :)