Thursday, November 8, 2007

Pauly Shore I'm not....

As I added my blog last night, I got a call from my mom. She was calling with some rather irriating news. Just what I needed with the mood I was in last night.
Apparently I had recieved a letter in the mail from the Federal courts of Michigan stating that I had been pre-selected to be considered for jury duty.
What made it worse was the fact that my mother actually read the whole ding blat letter to me. Can you believe they actually try to pull on your heart strings? "It's an honor and your civic duty to appear in court as a juror, helping set our judicial system apart..." or some crap like that....
EFF that!
It's a waste of my damn time.
I don't care if it is a good civic duty to uphold.
I didn't even vote this year.
Luckily my parent's house isn't my residence.
So my mom stuffed it back in the envelope and wrote, "not at this address, return to sender"
Take that MICHIGAN!
Hopefully they dont track me down in time....


Kendra said...

last fall i had jury duty in cali. it ONLY wasted 4 hours of my day. definitely could have been a lot worse!!!!

Cupcake Blonde said...

Thank you for checking out my blog! I love new readers.

I kept getting similar letters from Massachusetts after we moved to Nevada. They catch on eventually and stop sending them, but it takes a while. Our government at work.